Sponsors and donors

Support a School Initiative:
Information for School & Community Center Sponsors

Map of schools sponsored by Adam's Apples Foundation
List of schools sponsored by Adam's Apples Foundation

Join the Adam’s Apples initiative, Sponsor a School, and make a lasting impact on youth in their school communities. With a few of our 56 schools still in need of funding, you can chose to sponsor either an elementary school for $250 or a high school for $500, or both! Your contribution will provide vital resources and opportunities for the school and its community, such as:

  • Apple deliveries - continuing delivery of 300,000 apples annually to participating schools
  • Training and Workshops - Providing professional development opportunities for educators to effectively implement a mental-wellbeing focused curriculum
  • Outreach and Engagement - Increase outreach efforts to schools and communities to ensure adoption and participation in our programs.

Ready to Sponsor a School? Here's how:

  1. Visit our PayPal site by clicking the 'Donate' button at the top of our page or click here.
  2. Choose $250 to sponsor an elementary school OR $500 to sponsor a high school OR $750 to sponsor one of each.
  3. Complete your PayPal payment - remember to submit your email address so we can contact you about your new sponsorship!

Thank you for supporting us in ensuring students thrive in their educational and mental wellbeing journey.

For further information about Adam’s Apples or the Support a School initiative please Contact Us.

Welcome from the Adam’s Apples Foundation (AAF) and the Core Connector Initiative (CCI). The AAF is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the mental health and wellbeing of youth through connection and education - Connecting Youth One Conversation At A Time. The CCI offers opportunities for adolescents to enrich their sense wellbeing; become effective listeners; reduce anxiety; increase their understanding of mental health; and support others. Ideally, the group size for the CCI workshops would be 16-20 students in grades 10-12. Due to our interactive and experiential approach, we require at least 12 enthusiastic participants so that they might have memorable experiences that promote lasting mental wellbeing. The CCI major topics are:

  • Listening and Being Listened To
  • Finding Light in Our Despairing World
  • Calming Your Whole Self
  • Turning Away From Our Addicting World
  • Navigating Our Worried World
  • How You Think Matters
  • Taking Care of You
  • Making Better Happen

The CCI workshop is designed to be delivered over nine hours. We can offer the CCI as a two-day (2 x 4 1/2 hour sessions) or a three-day (3 x 3 hour sessions) or an abbreviated one day (4 1/2 hour session). At the end of the workshop participants will receive a Mental Health Literacy Certificate. Additionally, two $500 scholarships are available each year to CCI participants.

The CCI is offered free of charge. The AAF is a non-profit organization funded solely through donations and stewarded by a volunteer Board of Directors; donations to Adam’s Apples by your organization are not expected, but would be gratefully accepted so that we can continue offering the program to as many students in British Columbia as possible. If you would like the CCI to be offered to the students in your school or the youth in your community centre, here’s what you will need to do:

  1. Book a space to conduct the workshop(s);
  2. Inform your students/youth - put up the CCI poster, make announcements and recruit potential participants;
  3. Hand out the CCI Information Package to those who are interested;
  4. Ask them to register directly with you by submitting their one page signed Consent Form and Confidentiality Agreement (please share these with us at the workshop); and
  5. Email us the names and grades of those who have applied for the CCI. Please let us know if you have concerns about someone’s suitability for the program.

You are invited to join us at the workshops. Drop in for as long as you are able to, and feel free to participate.

For further information about Adam’s Apples or the Core Connector Initiative please Contact Us.